At the end of the 19th century, Daniel David Palmer, The Founder of Chiropractic, reasoned that the body had an ample supply of natural healing power transmitted through the nervous system. If a single organ was sick, it must not be receiving its normal nerve supply. That led to the premise of spinal misalignment or subluxation and from there to a procedure for adjusting vertebrae. D.D. performed his first adjustments in 1895, relieving one man of deafness and another person of heart trouble.
Arrangements were made to train others in the application of the Chiropractic principle. The Palmer School and Cure was founded by D.D. Palmer in 1897 in Davenport, Iowa. Today it is known as Palmer Chiropractic University, with three campuses nationwide, graduating thousands of Doctors of Chiropractic every year who practice worldwide.
Chiropractic by definition is from the Greek language and means practices done by hand.